علم الدم
Routine Tests
Blood Smear
Filariasis smear
Hemoglobin Electrophoresis for thalassemia and abnormal hemoglobin |
Malaria smear
Malaria test (Immunochromatography)
Reticulocyte Count
Sickling Test |
Ab Identification (IC+)
ABO blood Group + RH
Direct Coombs
Indirect Coombs
Indirect Coombs Titer
Platelets Abs (Indirect/Free) |
RBC Abs/Direct coombs monoclonal |
Rh phenotyping |
Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) |
APTT after correction (v/v) (1h and 2h) |
Anti - Thrombin III |
Bleeding time |
Coagulation time |
D Dimer |
Factor II |
Factor IX |
Factor V |
Factor VII |
Factor VIII |
Factor VIII / VW factor Ag |
Factor VIII/ VW Ristocetin cofactor |
Factor X |
Factor XI (Rosenthal) |
Factor XII |
Factor XIII |
Fibrinogen |
Fibrin Degradation Products(FDP) |
Heparin |
Protein C |
Protein S |
Platelets aggregation profile |
Prothrombin time (PT, INR) |
Prothrombin time 1h after correction (mix.v. /v.) |
Antiphospholipid antibodies screening
Anti beta2 GP1 IgG, IgM |
Anti-beta2 GP1 screen (G.M,A) |
Anticardiolipin Abs Screen (G,M,A) |
Anticardiolipins Abs IgM, IgG |
Lupus anticoagulant (LAC/ Rosner Index) |